Sunday, January 9, 2011

9 January 2011

Today was sunday and consequently quiet a uneventful day. It was also stinking hot so we just stayed indoors today while dad did some gardening.

Sleeping in with dad on a sunday!
Grandma asked us if we would like to go to New Zealand with her in April and I figured it was an opportunity we wont get again in a hurry so I have accepted. Grandma used to live in America for a while and so she had alot of frequent flyer points so our tickets are completley free! You should be around six months by then so hopefully you will enjoy the trip.

I took some nice photos of Rory today. I think out of all your fur siblings, Rory loves you the most. He has from the day you came home from the hospital. I bet he will be excited the day you start crawling about and following him.

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