As always though, you were perfect! You slept for the most part - probably because of the time of day, but you didn't cry and were quiet the hit with the air hostesses! Once we reached Adelaide, you even got to have a photo with the pilot and a hostee!
Michelle picked us up from the airport and we went to her house to drop of our bags. She picked us up in her Wrangler. I used to have a Wrangler, but I had to get a more family friendly car when we decided to have Matilda and you. I always wondered how it might have been if I kept the Jeep. But now I know that, we made the right decision buying the new car! I still miss the Jeep, maybe one day we will get another one - when you are older and we can go camping and fishing with you!
In the afternoon, we went to the zoo to see the pandas. I wanted you to see the pandas because they are extinct in the wild - I hope that by the time you are older they will not be extinct anymore. Unfortunately, I don't think you really paid much attention to them - but one day I will be able to show you these photos!
Apart from our busy day, not alot to report apart from the fact that Michelle is completely wrapped with you!