Sunday, January 16, 2011

16 January 2011

Today was dad's birthday. So as a treat, we all slept in. Unfortunately given the change in your routine last night, you were a bit unsettled all night and into the morning - as expected. Next time you get baby sat, I will be clear that you have to sleep - you like to make people carry you and they get sucked in by your cuteness!

Once everyone was awake, we went into Fremantle for fish and chips. Sadly, it wasn't very good. Luckily dad liked his other presents! We drove around Freo and I took photos of something other than you for a change! This tall sailing ship called the Leeuwin was docked in Freo and I took some photos of it.

We finished the day of with your first real trip to the dog beach - unfortunately the closest you got to the water was being carried in my arms while I waded through the shallow water. It was too hot to have you out in the air so you were covered in a muslin! Maybe next time.