Monday, January 3, 2011

3 January 2011

This weekend you have been quiet unsettled - I don't know if it is because you have a cold or if you have had enough of the busy festive season! Then again, it could be because the weather has been ridiculously hot! Either way, I decided that I would take you into the city - a first and on the train - another first.

So off we went, and you were very well behaved for a couple of hours and then after a few hours you decided you were hungry even though it wasn't on your schedule. You have been eating on a 5 to 6 hourly schedule for the past two days so why all of a sudden you wanted to eat after 4 hours was beyond me and caught me off guard. Fortunately over the past week and a half we have been trialling breast feeding - so I was able to feed you at Myer; another first - feeding in public!

Today is the last day everyone is on holiday which means no more big sleep ins with dad and no frequent visits by grandma and Aunty Laura! Just you and me once again little man! Oh and Gus and Halle and Hamish and Rory!

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