Today while you were splishing and splashing in the bath you muttered your first real word... "da.. da.. dad" - it was so cute and I managed to record it because you dad is in Adelaide at the moment and he wasnt here! I also called dad on the phone and he heard you say it too - I'm sure he's pretty excited! He can't wait to come home and hear you say it in person!
You are really started developing alot over the past week! It's really quiet amazing! Love you bubba xxx
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
28 July 2011
Your fangs have broken through! You have been a grizzly little boy since last Friday night and today your teeth finally popped out past your gums! At midday, you only had one and by the evening the second one also cut through. Both of them are one the bottom! I hope you will be in less pain now bubby!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
21 July 2011
This morning, we went to check out a day care centre for you. Daddy met us there and we had a good look around. I can't believe you are just about old enough for me to even think about this! In my head you are a wee little man that just came out of the incubator. It was a really nice place and all the ladies are really nice and the children seem very happy but it makes me sad that I have to leave you there when I go to work. I'm sure you will like it and make alot of new friends but its just makes you a bit more grown up than I'm willing to admit.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
27 April 2011
Since we have been away, I have been trying to teach you how to hold your own milk bottle - you seem to have got the idea but instead of holding it with your hands open, you hold it with your fists closed! Still today, you drank for evening bottle all by yourself while laying in your grandmothers arms. It was pretty cool! When we get home i am going to get you a sippy cup so you will be able to hold your cup properly!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
10 April 2011
Last night you had your first stay at a hotel. We stayed at the Sebel Residence in East Perth. We decided to just go away for a night and relax so that's where we went. You seemed to like being in the giant bed and also the opportunity to look at something new!
We head off the New Zealand soon so I am glad you enjoyed your hotel experience because you are about to have a few more experiences!
We head off the New Zealand soon so I am glad you enjoyed your hotel experience because you are about to have a few more experiences!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
29 March 2011
Today dad and I are moving back to our own bedroom - on the weekend I bought a monitor for your room so now that we know you are happy in your cot and we can hear you from our room, theres no need to be sleeping in the spare room!
I can't believe how quickly you are growing up Griffy Griff!
I can't believe how quickly you are growing up Griffy Griff!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
27 March 2011
Today, Dad gave you your first taste of real food! You had rice cereal mixed with breast milk - you seemed to enjoy it! Grandma was over to witness the occasion, which was good because your head is still a bit wobbly and you needed someone to hold it up for you while you ate!
Monday, March 21, 2011
21 March 2011
Today you had your first physio appointment. You seem to be a bit slower than other babies at holding your head up so the nurse asked me to take you to see a physio. The physio was happy with your development but said there is room for improvement and has given you a list of exercises which you have to do at home for the next two weeks before we go back!
One of the exercises, is to sit you in a special seat, but as you don't fit in this seat, she has shower me how to sit you in a hobby box - its very cute!
One of the exercises, is to sit you in a special seat, but as you don't fit in this seat, she has shower me how to sit you in a hobby box - its very cute!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
6 March 2011
Today, I have decided to bite the bullet, mostly because you have outgrown your bassinet, and move you to your big cot in your own room. I wonder how you will go in there - Dad and I are going to sleep in the spare room next door to your room so we can be close to you and keep an eye on you in the night.
Monday, February 28, 2011
28 February 2011
Guess who rolled over for the first time today?
I had you on your play mat laying on your back and when I stepped back in the room you were on your side and trying to throw yourself over onto your belly. When you finally got there, you were less than impressed!
I had you on your play mat laying on your back and when I stepped back in the room you were on your side and trying to throw yourself over onto your belly. When you finally got there, you were less than impressed!
Friday, February 25, 2011
25 February 2011
Today your dad got to take you swimming for the first time! I think he loved it almost as much as you did. Its nice that the swimming people let dads go with the babies!
Monday, February 14, 2011
14 February 2011
Happy Valentines Day my beautiful! You may have noticed it has been a while since I wrote in your diary. This is because you are starting to get more interactive and we tend to do more things during the day. So most of the time I run out of time to write for you but I plan on making notes of your significant events.
Today, we went swimming for the first time - you LOVED it. Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera - but I will next week. We go swimming at the St John of God Physio Pool - that's where you used to live when you were a bubby!
After your big day, you were all tuckered out and when you finally fell asleep, you were so cute!
Today, we went swimming for the first time - you LOVED it. Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera - but I will next week. We go swimming at the St John of God Physio Pool - that's where you used to live when you were a bubby!
After your big day, you were all tuckered out and when you finally fell asleep, you were so cute!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
3 February 2011
WOW - 100 days old baby! So hard to believe.. you have come so far and we are so in love with you! Dad often says how you are the best baby in the world - I tell him he's biased, but he's allowed to be!
You are growing us so fast - I don't like it - people always say babies grow up so fast but it's not until you experience it for yourself that you understand. I'm glad that I have been keeping this record of your life so far so that in a few years time we can look back on it and remember how teeny tiny you were and how amazing it was to have you join the family!
Today we went to mother's group again. You unfortunately seem to be jet lagged from our return home yesterday and you slept through the whole thing! Apart from that we had a rather uneventful day - you are a bit cranky and in need of returning to your routines.
Today we went to mother's group again. You unfortunately seem to be jet lagged from our return home yesterday and you slept through the whole thing! Apart from that we had a rather uneventful day - you are a bit cranky and in need of returning to your routines.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
20 January 2011
We had a big day today - we were up at 5.30 am so that you could have a feed and I could get our things organised for the airport. Today you went on your second flight - from Adelaide to Melbourne. Once we arriver in Melbourne we had to catch a bus to Geelong. Nana and Grandpa Evans live in Geelong and we came all this way so that you could meet them. Grandpa is sick - he has lung cancer so I wanted you to get a chance to meet him - also, I wanted him to have a chance to meet you. Both Nana and Grandpa were very pleased to meet you - Nana has not stopped cuddling you since we got home this afternoon - I think you are going to be spoilt rotten over the next week and a half!
On another note, you moved from new born nappies to infant nappies today - it's hard to believe that when you were born we had to fold the newborn nappies in half because they were too big for you and now they are too small for you!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
19 January 2011
Today, we went to a place called Gumeracha to see the world's biggest rocking horse. There is a toy factory at the same place and while we were there I got you a growth chart - so now you will always know where we got that!
After that we went to Maggie Beers Farmshop in the Barossa Valley for lunch. Maggie Beer is a famous cook in Australia. She always makes really yummy cakes and hearty meals - definately one of dad and my favourites - so I thought we should make the journey to visit her. I am so glad we did - it was just amazing! So very delicious! Once again Michelle spent the day snuggling with you - everyone thought you were her baby - people kept asking her how old you were and all sorts of questions - it was very funny!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
18 January 2011
As always though, you were perfect! You slept for the most part - probably because of the time of day, but you didn't cry and were quiet the hit with the air hostesses! Once we reached Adelaide, you even got to have a photo with the pilot and a hostee!
Michelle picked us up from the airport and we went to her house to drop of our bags. She picked us up in her Wrangler. I used to have a Wrangler, but I had to get a more family friendly car when we decided to have Matilda and you. I always wondered how it might have been if I kept the Jeep. But now I know that, we made the right decision buying the new car! I still miss the Jeep, maybe one day we will get another one - when you are older and we can go camping and fishing with you!
In the afternoon, we went to the zoo to see the pandas. I wanted you to see the pandas because they are extinct in the wild - I hope that by the time you are older they will not be extinct anymore. Unfortunately, I don't think you really paid much attention to them - but one day I will be able to show you these photos!
Apart from our busy day, not alot to report apart from the fact that Michelle is completely wrapped with you!
Monday, January 17, 2011
17 January 2011
We had a quiet day today. I had to pack our bags for the next two and a half weeks, its hard enough knowing what to pack for myself for two weeks let alone what to pack for you. I'm going with the theory that if I forget anything I can just buy it while we are away, I think this is the best attitude to have otherwise I'm going to get stressed out about it!
It's a funny feeling packing for a holiday with another little person to consider! We didn't really do much else today - just popped into the shops in the evening for a few last minute things!
Our first holiday together starts tomorrow little one! Hurrah!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
16 January 2011
Today was dad's birthday. So as a treat, we all slept in. Unfortunately given the change in your routine last night, you were a bit unsettled all night and into the morning - as expected. Next time you get baby sat, I will be clear that you have to sleep - you like to make people carry you and they get sucked in by your cuteness!
Once everyone was awake, we went into Fremantle for fish and chips. Sadly, it wasn't very good. Luckily dad liked his other presents! We drove around Freo and I took photos of something other than you for a change! This tall sailing ship called the Leeuwin was docked in Freo and I took some photos of it.
We finished the day of with your first real trip to the dog beach - unfortunately the closest you got to the water was being carried in my arms while I waded through the shallow water. It was too hot to have you out in the air so you were covered in a muslin! Maybe next time.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
15 January 2011
We went to a cafe in Fremantle today for a spot of lunch. After lunch we just had a routine saturday shopping for groceries and that type of thing. We went to get nana and grandpa Evans some chocolates for when we go visit them. Grandpa Evans likes chocolate coated licorice and nana likes rocky road - so thats what we got them. They are so excited about meeting you next week - they keep ringing and asking if there's anything else they need to organise.
Dad and I went to a play this evening - it was called 'Looking through a glass onion' - it was a play about John Lennon. In time you will learn about Lennon. While we were at the play, you were being baby sat by grandma. She didn't make you go to sleep - which can only mean one thing: dad and I are in for a bad night and possibly even a bad day with you tomorrow!
Friday, January 14, 2011
14 January 2011
We had a funny morning today. A bird flew into our backyard while I was trying to feed you and Hamish and Rory were trying to catch it. So I had to stop feeding you and go and distract the puppies. I bought them into the house and kept feeding you because you were a bit annoyed that I had stopped. After I finished with your feeding, I went out to see if the bird was still there - and it was, so I fed it some weetbix while I tried to work out what to do with it. It was quiet used to humans so I think it was someones pet - I rang the vet to let them know and they said they couldn't do much for it as its a pest species. So after a couple of hours I rang a wild life rescue place and they were happy to take the bird. So we had to catch the bird and drive it down to the rescue place - so thats what we did this morning. You acompanied me during all this drama.
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Your first pet bird - only for a few hours! |
In the evening, Aunty Melissa came to visit you after work. She was shocked to see how much you had grown in the past two weeks. She's right - you are getting much bigger, I weighed you at mother's group yesterday and you were 4.5 kilograms - thats almost double your birthweight! While she was here I noticed that you have started holding your own head up for a little bit at a time. This is really good progress baby boy, but sad to see you growing up so quickly at the same time! I love you my little poppet!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
13 January 2011
This morning we headed off to the Target baby sale first thing in the morning - I put a baby car seat on layby for grandma! We decided to get you a second seat to leave in grandma's car because that way she can babysit you more often and take you to the shops with her and the like. She is going to look after you once I go back to work too so that means you wont be stuck in the house on those days!
In the afternoon, we had our first mother's group meeting - the community nurse organised it for local mums in the area. There were 12 other mums and babies there and there was an equal number of boys and girls so it was a good outing for both of us. It's a shame that we will miss the next two weeks as it only goes for five weeks - but thats ok.
We went to dinner for Aunty Laura's and Dad's birthday dinner in Fremantle in the evening. You looked so cute wearing a little hoodie - it was a bit windy so I got to dress you in wintery clothes for the first time ever.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
12 January 2011
You are 12 weeks old today! I can't believe how quickly you are growing and how well you are progressing. Technically you are only 7 and a half weeks - but you wouldn't know it to look at you. You look like a real little boy as your face is filling out and your thick black hair is getting longer - it's so very cute!
Little man - I like this curl you have developed! |
In the evening, we went on your first picnic down to the beach. We met up with Duds and Gianna and Sabrina and another of dad's work friends. You were really happy and stayed awake the whole time we were there - cooing and playing with Gianna. Dad cooked a barbecue for dinner and it was a very nice evening.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
11 January 2010
Today we went into the city to catch up with some of my work friends. They haven't seen you or me since before christmas so I thought it would be good to catch up with them. We went to a pub in the city and had a bite of lunch and you were quiet happy just hanging out in the pram and drinking your milk while we talked.
After lunch we went into the city to have a look around. There was nothing that exciting but we did quickly catch up with aunty Laura. Once we were done in the city, we popped into grandma's office and said hello for a little while. So all in all you had quiet a social day!
You are starting to grow into your clothes a bit more each day. This is a picture of you wearing the same clothes you wore on the day you met santa claus and as you can see they are a better fit now!
Monday, January 10, 2011
10 January 2011
We had a relaxing day at home today. It wasn't too hot or anything like that but given we are about to go on a big trip I thought it would be better if we stayed home and just did some homely things. We have quiet a busy week coming up too so I figured we should just stay indoors!
Here you are just relaxing in your bouncy! |
Sunday, January 9, 2011
9 January 2011
Today was sunday and consequently quiet a uneventful day. It was also stinking hot so we just stayed indoors today while dad did some gardening.
Grandma asked us if we would like to go to New Zealand with her in April and I figured it was an opportunity we wont get again in a hurry so I have accepted. Grandma used to live in America for a while and so she had alot of frequent flyer points so our tickets are completley free! You should be around six months by then so hopefully you will enjoy the trip.
I took some nice photos of Rory today. I think out of all your fur siblings, Rory loves you the most. He has from the day you came home from the hospital. I bet he will be excited the day you start crawling about and following him.
I took some nice photos of Rory today. I think out of all your fur siblings, Rory loves you the most. He has from the day you came home from the hospital. I bet he will be excited the day you start crawling about and following him.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
8 January 2011
I suppose now is as good a time as any to explain to you some of the cultural issues that exist in our family. I was born in Dubai to Indian parents - so I'm brown. Dad was born in Tasmania and has welsh heritage - so he's white. Indian people, for reasons unknown to me, find this combination weirds, inexplicable and maybe even wrong. When we go to the shops, older indian people often stare at us, whisper to each other and generally look at us disapprovingly! I like to ignore it, dad likes to wind them up!
So today we went to an indian cafe for lunch - we went there very often when I was pregnant with you so I wonder if you recognised the smells or noise. Dad wanted to go there for lunch with the added bonus of being able to wind up some people! Once we arrived at the cafe, dad picked you up out of your pram and put you on display! He revelled in it - and of course all the indian stared and whispered even more than usual - you look like a mocha baby you see, so now i guess they found it even more strange than usual!
In the afternoon, Duds and Gianna and little Sabrina came to visit you - they live in Sydney so it was the first time they saw you. You were quiet well behaved and they really liked you! Lucky boy!
In the evening, dad and I went to the movies and had a break - Laura baby sat you for a few hours. We watched a movie called Little Fockers and then we went into Freo for mexican. It was nice to have a break with dad and i'm sure you enjoyed the change of scenery too!
Your skin has gotten quiet dry and I think you have a case of cradle cap. So I have had to start a fairly intensive skin care/massage routine with you twice a day - you seem to enjoy it which makes it easier - but you hate it when I touch your face!
Your skin has gotten quiet dry and I think you have a case of cradle cap. So I have had to start a fairly intensive skin care/massage routine with you twice a day - you seem to enjoy it which makes it easier - but you hate it when I touch your face!
Friday, January 7, 2011
7 January 2011
Now that you are back eating your usual amount of food again, you are much calmer! Yay! So this morning I took you out to do a few errands and also to the shops. It never ceases to amaze me how many random strangers come up to me to talk about you. I guess it's nice but I find it a bit strange because I would never do it myself!
We went to enquire about your swimming lessons this morning and it turns out they wont take you until you are six months old - by then it will be winter! They did tell me about the Murdoch hospital running classes from 10 weeks - which is what you are now. I will make some enquiries next week and hopefully you can start once we get back from Geelong.
I also took you to spotlight (again), we tend to go there a lot. I get bored easily and when we go to spotlight I generally get craft related stuff which gives me something to do when i get a break. I find doing this is good mental stimulation! So today I made you a boy change mat - you had one already, and its a really nice one but I got the supplies at a bargain, so i figured it didn't matter! Also, I know I promised never to stitch you any clothes, but I found some really funky Hawaiian shirt material - your dad has an obsession with wearing loud shirts at parties and we searched high and low to find you one for christmas - so I'm going to attempt to make you one - I've never done anything like that before though so we will see how it turns out!
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You are fast gaining size on Gus! |
Thursday, January 6, 2011
6 January 2011
Today was quiet a rough day - when I took you to the doctor yesterday, he suggested I should reduce your milk intake as you are growing very nicely. So I followed doctor's orders - turned out you were not impressed. As a result you wanted to be fed every three to four hours and we very cranky all day. I think I am going to increase your feeds back to what they were from this evening - I dont like cranky Griffyn!
We didn't do a lot today because you were too cranky, even dad couldn't settle you - usually once he gets home you are a bit calmer but not today!
In the evening, we took you to the shops - first to get you a portacot and then just to do the grocery shopping - thankfully you were well behaved. I think the portacot is going to come in handy - it means we can take a bed for you when we go away!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
5 January 2011
It is hard for me to believe that you are 10 weeks old today! By your corrected age your are 5 and a half weeks! Either way, I am glad you are here and can barely remember life before you were born. I can remember being able to sleep a whole night through though - ahhh the bliss!
The weather was much more pleasant today and consequently you too were much more pleasant! We didn't do much but we did have a follow up appointment with your paediatrician - he wanted to check your eye sight because at your last appointment you were a bit behind in development - though this is normal because you were only a few weeks old corrected. Its quiet confusing sometimes to differentiate between the corrected and actual age and what you are meant to be doing by what age!
After that appointment we had to take Hamish to the vet - it was your first trip to the vet - I'm sure you will get used to these as all your fur siblings are a bit special in their own way. Gus has some type of cat bulimia, Halle has some kind of mental problem (but shes normal when she takes her Valium), Hamish has really bad skin allergies and Rory, well hes a bit precious!
Owing to the nice weather you also let me take some photos of you in a nice mood!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
4 January 2011
Oh Griffyn, today I wanted to run away from you! It was very humid and disgusting both inside and outside the house and I think you thought that this was my fault and that I was deliberately making the weather be like this and only effecting you! You screamed your head off a lot - it didn't help that today was the first day we were back on our own after christmas.
You are very much like your father with regard to handling the heat. He too behaves like I am the weather gods and somehow gets annoyed at me when its hot - you clearly are your fathers son! The only thing I could thing of to help calm you down was to take you in the shower - so for the first time that's what we did! You loved it - you love all water based activities!
Obviously due to the weather and your behaviour we didn't leave the house today!
Monday, January 3, 2011
3 January 2011
This weekend you have been quiet unsettled - I don't know if it is because you have a cold or if you have had enough of the busy festive season! Then again, it could be because the weather has been ridiculously hot! Either way, I decided that I would take you into the city - a first and on the train - another first.
So off we went, and you were very well behaved for a couple of hours and then after a few hours you decided you were hungry even though it wasn't on your schedule. You have been eating on a 5 to 6 hourly schedule for the past two days so why all of a sudden you wanted to eat after 4 hours was beyond me and caught me off guard. Fortunately over the past week and a half we have been trialling breast feeding - so I was able to feed you at Myer; another first - feeding in public!
Today is the last day everyone is on holiday which means no more big sleep ins with dad and no frequent visits by grandma and Aunty Laura! Just you and me once again little man! Oh and Gus and Halle and Hamish and Rory!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2 January 2011
You have had a very difficult day today sweet boy. You have a cold and its about 40 degrees outside. Nothing has settled you except for being cuddled which is difficult because it is so hot! We didn't do anything today because you were queit sickly except go to grandmas house for dinner. You did have another first though.. you have starting grasping things with your left hand. You have always been stronger with your left hand than your right - I wonder if you will be left handed like me?
Saturday, January 1, 2011
1 January 2011
Happy New Year bubby!! You had another sleep in today with dad - I think I am going to have to break this routine because you sleep so long in the morning that you don't feel like sleeping in the day and then by early evening you are a cranky little monkey!
Today we took you to Fremantle for the first time. There were quiet a few people there considering that nothing was open so we got to run a bit of a gauntlet with your pram. We came home and dad spent the afternoon playing in his pool (that he got for christmas) with the puppies and I took photos of you all! These are some of the photos I took!
Dad and Rory.. |
Dad and Hamish.. |
Cutie pie! |
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