Thursday, July 28, 2011

28 July 2011

Your fangs have broken through! You have been a grizzly little boy since last Friday night and today your teeth finally popped out past your gums! At midday, you only had one and by the evening the second one also cut through. Both of them are one the bottom! I hope you will be in less pain now bubby!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

21 July 2011

This morning, we went to check out a day care centre for you. Daddy met us there and we had a good look around. I can't believe you are just about old enough for me to even think about this! In my head you are a wee little man that just came out of the incubator. It was a really nice place and all the ladies are really nice and the children seem very happy but it makes me sad that I have to leave you there when I go to work. I'm sure you will like it and make alot of new friends but its just makes you a bit more grown up than I'm willing to admit.